Monday, May 24, 2010

Bill C says he does not want to play that game today?

This is what he told the media when asked about the race card.. What does he think he was doing in the oval office with Monica?Wasn't that a game ?

Bill C says he does not want to play that game today?
Well he thought games were something Like getting in his private Jet and making it look like he was doing Politics..whe he was actually doing..Monica. I am so sick of the Clinton Admin..I am saddened to think that we have yet to deal with another decade of the most dishonoring our white house could ever imagine. YES there has been past with the Kennedy mess..but at least we didn't have to endure all of the in and outs of the horrific details! Is it January YET??


Reply:You make no sense....which is funny because most people who hate Bill Clinton for one reason or another usually don't. Ignorance is a disease you have obviously caught...probably from your parents...

p.s. I do not support hilary in any way....
Reply:Grand Theft Election 2008!

That's the Clinton game!

Why are we over here corn....

Maybe the Jonas Brothers helped steal the votes!
Reply:Slick only wants to play the games that have no rules , like a liberals life span !
Reply:1. who cares?

2. why did you ask that in the video %26amp; online game section?

potential breakup song

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